Head of Operations / Yeast Rancher – Brian Leslie
Our yeast Rancher Brian is from the States where he had 10 years of wonderful experience working at Karbach Brewing in Texas and Great Divide Brewing in Colorado.
He thinks it is really cool that our brewing team consists of members who’ve come from all over the globe with the same goal – to make the best beer in Hong Kong! Brian grew up in Texas and that’s where he found his favorite beer style Mexican Lager. Check out our latest release (and Brian’s favourite) Mexican Lager – El Crispy Boi!
今次有嚟自美國嘅 Yeast Rancher — Brian Leslie!加入 Carbon Brews 前,Brian 分別喺德州嘅 Karbach Brewing同科羅拉多州嘅 Great Divide Brewing 有十年釀酒經驗,係我哋團隊入面最富經驗嘅成員之一!
Brian認為Crabon Brews 入面,嚟自世界各地成員一齊努力釀好香港精釀啤酒,係一件好熱血嘅事!而自細喺德州長大嘅佢最鍾意墨西哥式拉格啤酒!而我哋今次最新推出嘅 El Crispy Boi 就正正以Brian 喜歡嘅啤酒風格作藍本~