General Manager / Beer Dumpster – Chris Wong
Our Beer Dumpster Chris has been with us since day one. In his past life, he was a homebrew fanatic / alcoholic accountant in Hong Kong. 6 years ago he helped build our old Fo Tan brewery on Au Pui Wan St as Head Brewer and recruited the current Carbon Brews team.
In his words, “The person who taught me how to homebrew in San Francisco once said that brewing is 50% science and 50% art, and I’ve taken that to be my brewing philosophy since then. At Carbon Brews, I’m blessed to be a part of a team who completes my dream of brewing solid beers that are 50% in-the-grid and 50% outside-of-the-box.”
His favorite Carbon Brews beer is Crazy Rich Lupulins because (he shamelessly thinks he’s a genius for coming with that name and) 🤫 the beer continues to evolve each version as the kick ass brewing team pushes through boundaries with new techniques.
我哋嘅GM – Chris喺做Carbon Brews 之前係一個酒鬼會計師同狂熱嘅自釀啤酒迷! 喺6年前,任職首席釀酒師嘅 Chris 幫助建立我哋喺坳背灣街嘅舊酒廠,慢慢招募咗宜家 Carbon Brews 嘅大家庭!
Chris 回想翻:「我嘅釀造哲學嚟自三藩市教我自釀啤酒嘅人,佢曾經咁講過 — 釀造係科學同藝術各半嘅結合。而作為團隊成員,我好幸運地可以以釀酒實現呢句說話。」
佢最鍾意嘅Crabon Brews 啤酒非 Crazy Rich Lupulins 莫屬 除咗因為個名係佢改嘅之外~ 仲因為釀造團隊會用新嘅技術突破界限,每個批次都會不斷進化。