Packaging Operator – Josh Cheung
Josh Hong Kong’s very own homegrown brewer. He first encountered craft beer when he randomly visited a local taproom while he was still a student. It was that pint of great beer accompanied with the dazzling technical beer conversations in that taproom sparked an interest in him for craft beers.
His proudest achievement in Carbon Brews is coming up with Baltic Proper V.3. 🌊after intensive research (reading and beer drinking) and experimentation, then seeing it well received by the drinkers in Hong Kong. Josh’s recent favorite pick is our upcoming new release Black to the Future – Black IPA. Not only does this beer complete his dream of brewing a Black IPA, he also enjoyed the team’s collaborative efforts to contribute to every component to make this beer great. His favorite aspect of working at an employee-driven brewery, everyone puts in extra time and attention to brew a good beer for the people.
今日嘅主角Josh 係一位土生土長嘅香港釀酒師。佢初次接觸精釀啤酒係喺幾年前到訪過嘅一間本地酒吧,一杯優質嘅啤酒,以及酒吧內聽到人一頭霧水嘅啤酒術語,就此激發咗Josh 對精釀啤酒嘅興趣。
喺Carbon Brews 芸芸啤酒入面,最令佢引以為傲嘅就係 Baltic Proper v.3,因為經過無數研究同實驗後,親眼見證住呢隻酒嘅誕生,再獲得大家嘅喜愛,令佢好有滿足感。而我哋即將推出嘅 Black IPA – Black to the future 就係Josh 嘅最愛!呢款酒唔單止達成咗佢釀造 Black IPA 嘅夢想,仲因為係由團隊共同合作令呢隻酒力臻完美。Josh認為喺一間員工自主啤酒廠工作下,每個人都更加願意投入時間同精力,釀出更好嘅啤酒。